Spring Wildflower Bouquet

How-To Arrange Your Spring Bouquet

If you're looking to brighten up your home or give a special someone a thoughtful gift, arranging a beautiful bouquet is a wonderful idea! But if you're new to flower arranging, the process might seem a bit daunting. Don't worry, with these tips, you'll be a bouquet arranging pro in no time!

Just Greenery Spring Florals

Step 1: Choose Your Flowers

The first step in creating a beautiful bouquet is choosing the right flowers. Our Just Greenery Spruce Up or Full Bloom subscription is the perfect way to get the seasons latest trending florals. As you build your collection, you can mix and match colors, textures, and shapes to create different arrangements throughout your home. 

Step 2: Cut or Bend Your Stems

Once you have your flowers, it's time to prep them for arranging. You can use any size vessel for your arrangement as long as you bend or cut the stems. We love trimming some of the multi-bud stems for an easier way to distribute the florals into one (or various) arrangements. 

Greenery Base

Step 3: Start with Greenery

Before adding your flowers, start with some greenery. This will help to create a base for your bouquet and give it some structure. We like to mix light and dark greenery as well as different leaf styles to create depth 

Step 4: Add Your Flowers

Once you have your greenery in place, it's time to start adding your flowers. Begin with the larger flowers, placing them towards the center of the bouquet. Then, add in the smaller flowers around the edges.

Add florals and mix heights

Step 5: Mix Up the Heights

To add some visual interest to your bouquet, mix up the heights of your flowers. Some flowers should be taller than others, while others should be shorter. This will create a dynamic, eye-catching arrangement.

Add in fillers

Step 6: Finish with Filler Flowers

Once you have your main flowers in place, it's time to add some filler flowers. These can be small flowers like baby's breath, lavender or even some berries or branches. They'll help to fill in any gaps and give your bouquet some texture.

Step 7: Trim and Adjust

Once you're happy with your arrangement, it's time to give it a final trim and adjust any flowers that need it. 

Voila! You now have a beautiful bouquet that's sure to brighten up any room. With these tips, you'll be able to create stunning arrangements that will impress your friends and family. So grab your flowers, get creative, and have fun arranging!

More of a visual person? We got you! Watch our How-To Video below to see how we styled our Winter bouquet.

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